July 5, 2021
Most of our programs are now able to run. Please note that there continues to be COVID screening at the door before you come to the centre. We are very pleased to welcome you back to the Centre and to your favorite activities.
Our website is undergoing maintenance and will not be updated as often. We hope that within the next few weeks we will launch our new site, which will include an online store.
April 20, 2021
Current restrictions remain in place until at least the May long weekend and are as follows:
- No indoor seating. Outdoor seating is fine as long as people are dining with their immediate household or core bubble.
- No fitness classes, however, 1:1 personal training sessions with an instructor or individual workouts are allowed.
- No indoor worship services
- Don’t travel outside of your health authority and only for essential reasons
- Outdoor gatherings should be no more than 10 people and they must be the same 10 people and socially distant.
- Masks are mandatory in public areas for anyone who is in grade 4 to adult this includes: hallways, bathrooms, grocery stores, classrooms, etc.
- All workers are strongly encouraged to work from home, where possible.
We are currently offering the following services and programming options:
- Individual workouts or a training session with an instructor. Remember to stay in your designated space for your workout
- Grab and Go take away options on Wednesday and Saturday
- Take out food from our café or enjoy items outside with people from your bubble
- Pre-packaged goodies for sale
- Regular sales cabinet items (includes books and puzzles)
- Friday Food Distribution
- Wellness/Health services
- Income Tax drop-off services
- Book clubs online
Remember to wear your mask properly when in public areas at the Centre and use hand sanitizer before entering and as needed when with us.
The Centre will remain open for most regular operating hours. Next week’s open hours will be:
Monday 8am to 12noon and 3pm to 7:30pm
Tuesday 8am to 4:30pm
Wednesday 8am to 7:30pm
Thursday 8am to 7:30pm
Friday 8am to 4:30pm
Saturday 8:30am to 4pm
March 29, 2021
Due to this afternoon’s Provincial Health Orders, we have to make significant changes at our centre to comply with their directive. We know that you will support the centre and Dr. Henry by following these guidelines for our centre:
- All fitness classes are cancelled until April 19
- Indoor café services are no longer allowed but we will continue to provide outdoor seating for family groups/bubbles
- Grab and Go will continue
- Take away café items will continue
- Pre-packaged goodies are for sale
- Items from our regular sales cabinet can continue to be purchased
- Friday Food Distribution will continue but will be moved to the parking lot (please note that there is no Food Distribution this week as it is Good Friday)
- Wellness/Health services will continue
- Income Tax drop-off services will continue
Please call the centre starting Tuesday morning if you have any questions.
March 19, 2021
We are continuing to follow Provincial Health Orders. We are able to continue offering fitness classes, wellness services, food distribution and café options. There are some groups, such as the Non-Fiction Book Club who are meeting online. To find out if your group is meeting please call us to find out. We look forward to the time when we can offer more programs and services but we need to wait until the COVID restrictions lift.
February 12, 2021
Due to the high amounts of impending snow the decision has been made to close the centre on Saturday. Enjoy your long weekend. The centre will reopen on Tuesday at 8am.
February 5, 2021
Current health orders will remain in effect until further notice
- No
- general drop-ins,
- courses
- workshops
- Yes
- Fitness
- Wellness
- Food distribution (10:30am start time)
- Grab and Go (3:30pm pickup)
- Café is take out only – sorry no eat in service
- When folks arrive for Food Distribution we are not able to offer them a room to sit in. Folks have to be able to take their food bags and then head out of the centre
January 10, 2021
Staff will be in the office for most of our regular hours this week. We will be available for enquiries, wellness service appointments, Grab and Go, Café take away, food distribution (Friday), and membership renewals. We look forward to speaking with you in the coming week.
We continue to monitor the Provincial Health Orders and are making decisions accordingly. If you would like to register for fitness please call the office with your payment and registration. Fitness classes are scheduled to resume om Monday, January 18. We hope to bring back other drop-in activities in February following the next major update from the Dr. Henry.
January 1, 2021
Happy New Year!
- A Program Guide from January to April will be available within the next two weeks
- Stop by or call to renew your membership and to register for programming options
- Register for fitness classes for January 18 to 29. We must have at least 6 people to make these classes run. When you register you will do so for the entire two week period. We will be unable to accept any drop-ins for fitness classes based on the most recent public health orders. Payment can be made at the time of individual classes or you can pre-pay for the two week session.
- Health and Wellness speakers will be coming to you online starting on January 5
- Wellness services will continue – book your appointment early as they are popular
- Keep an eye out for updates on our social media, website, and in our newsletters
Our current COVID policy remains in effect as shown below.
Goal: To remain open in such a way to ensure that as many people as possible can use the Centre in a safe way.
Note: This plan is subject to change without notice based on the recommendations and requirements by the Provincial Health Authority. Our aim is to meet or exceed the recommendations and guidelines provided from all levels of government.
- If you are sick or there is a confirmed case in your bubble do not come to the building. You may be asked to take a COVID test before returning to the centre.
- 50% of pre-COVID numbers per room as long as social distancing and safety regulations can be maintained.
- Must maintain a minimum of 6’ from others in all directions.
- Screen installed at reception and game screens used for close contact activities such as cards games. Cards will be changed regularly, only used for one group, and will be left for at least three days between use.
- Ensure that everyone who enters the centre has their temperature checked and health questions are asked. If staff discover that answers have not been answered truthfully an individual will be asked to leave the centre and not return for a minimum of two weeks.
- Everyone who comes to the centre will be asked to use hand sanitizer before starting their program/activity and when leaving a programming space.
- Masks are mandatory when at the centre even when program participants are behind activity screens. Fitness participants are recommended to wear a mask but it is not mandatory for this activity. If centre users refuse to wear a mask they will be denied entry to the centre.
- Small in person meetings are permitted and use of Zoom is still strongly recommended for those not comfortable being at the centre yet or when rooms have reached their capacity.
- Centre users will enter through the main building doors and leave through the side door to the parking lot. If a group is using the auditorium, participants may leave through the patio as long as the gate is secured. Auditorium program leaders are responsible for ensuring that the gate is secured when the last person has left their group.
Safety Precautions:
Staff will communicate the ‘rules’ to members and centre users through phone calls, e-newsletter and updated signage on the building. Markers will be placed on the ground inside and outside the building to show where people are to stand to ensure social distances are maintained.
CSVAC has a Zero Tolerance policy of disrespectful and abusive behaviour. The following will be posted in the centre as a reminder to all participants about the behavioural expectations.
Zero Tolerance
Shouting, being disrespectful, or abusive behaviour towards staff, volunteers and centre users will not be tolerated at any time.
Our hardworking, amazing staff and volunteers have the right to be treated with dignity and respect while doing their jobs and enjoying their activities (as per our core values) at all times.
Most people respect this.
Thank you for being one of them.
All volunteers will be asked to identify as a hot spot volunteer if they are:
- An active volunteer with other organizations, particularly with high risk groups such as working with the homeless
- In high contact volunteer roles
- Work with people for more than 15 minutes at a time i.e. spend 15 minutes or more when dropping off groceries to someone
- Are volunteering in large group activities such as food banks
- Participating in large group demonstrations or protests
- Has a confirmed case of COVID in their home, multi-family building, or similar living situation
Hot spot volunteers may not be able to return based on their risk factors or they may be asked to self-isolate for 14 days before returning to their volunteer role.
Public use of computer and washrooms will be at the discretion of staff.
Staff will provide educational signage about the proper wearing and handling of masks
Entering building
- Staff will sanitize the high touch surfaces such as door knobs and light switches when they begin their shift, mid-day and afternoon shift staff as well as ensuring sanitizing is done before they leave.
- Encourage people to use provided hand sanitizer at the main building doors by reception, in the hallway and outside the auditorium
- Cash will be accepted but debit and credit cards will be recommended as this is safer for reception and staff who are working at the front desk.
- 6’ markers placed to encourage social distancing
- Staff will ensure only the maximum number of people are in the building at any given time.
- Centre users may arrive no more than 5mins prior to their class or their wellness appointment to ensure social distances and low numbers of people in common areas. Signage to be posted as a reminder.
- Everyone who enters the building will be asked a series of questions to limit the likelihood that people in the centre are likely to pass along COVID-19. Staff will have the right to refuse entry to someone based on their answers.
- Have you taken a fever reducing medication in the last 24 hours?
- Do you have any symptom consistent with a cold or flu?
- Have you been around anyone or living with someone that has COVID-19 symptoms?
- Are you feeling healthy today?
- If you live in a multifamily dwelling such as a condo or apartment is there anyone in your building that has a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19?
- A maximum of 2 people working at the reception desk – these people are responsible for the contact tracking system. People can register for activities for the current week and one week ahead to allow for the greatest number of people to attend.
- Reception can have people spend time in the craft room or games room if empty as the potential participant waits to find out if they can go to a program as long as social distancing can be maintained.
- All centre users must stop between the main building doors/screening station
- Receptionists should not handle anyone’s credit or debit cards to complete transactions
- Masks are required in activities and common areas
- Sanitize reception desk at the end of each shift
- Sanitize high touch items such as debit/credit machine several times during each shift – spray cloth and wipe, don’t spray directly on machine
- Activity cards and activity attendance books will not be given out because people are registered for activities and checked off when they arrive.
- Participants can mark their bulk activity cards off themselves and leave pens for sanitizing.
- Masks are to be worn during all activities, even when behind screens. Although not mandatory in exercise classes such as Fun and Fitness as well as Stretch and Strength they are strongly encouraged.
- Sanitize chairs and equipment between activities – done by program leaders
- Spray bottles with bleach in each room and at reception for easy sanitation
- As many people as possible to bring their own equipment
- Instructors must start and end on time to ensure enough time for cleaning between groups and ensure social distancing is maintained,
- Instructors using the auditorium are to work from the stage to allow for the greatest number of participants
- Shields are provided for close contact activities such as card games. Hand sanitizer is to be used by all participants before handling game pieces and cards. All game pieces and cards are to be left for at least three days to ensure sanitization. Card games will change decks of cards frequently during games to lessen the chance of transmission.
- The Emergency Preparedness Committee, in consultation with staff and the Board President, may require enhanced safety measure based on current protocols and recommendations if the number of active cases in the Island Health region increase.
Wellness Services
- Anyone coming for a wellness appointment is asked to arrive just on time to avoid people waiting
- Wellness service providers are encouraged to create their own liability waivers regarding COVID-19. Reception volunteers will provide these forms to all wellness service participants.
- Practitioners must state if they have been exposed to COVID even if the risk is very low. Staff will contact all people the practitioner has been in contact with two weeks prior to the notification and at least one week following the notification.
- Only Gerry and 1 other person in the kitchen at a time
- Rendezvous Café patrons will need to mark their own kitchen cards – no pens provided. Prepaid kitchen cards will be left in a designated spot and sanitized before returning to reception.
- Food orders taken from hallway window and served under auditorium window
- Reusable dishes are to be used and washed regularly. Staff may choose to use disposable items to limit the amount of exposure risk
- ‘Grab ‘N Go Meals’ will be prepared in the Rendezvous Café kitchen. These healthy meals will be available for purchase. These meals must be pre-purchased.
- The Food Distribution program will continue as long as possible into a second wave.
- Only the number of seats per table is allowed in the café. Centre participants cannot add additional seating or move seating from one table to another.
- 2 bathrooms in both the men’s and women’s washrooms will be taken out of use to ensure that only 2 people are in this space at a time. Bathrooms will be blocked with caution style tape.
Staff Offices
- Staff are to work in their offices without being too close to other staff, reception, or centre participants as much as possible. If staff are close to each other then all must wear a mask.
- Workroom will not be accessible to anyone other than staff – door will be closed or barrier in front of door
- Safe distance spots marked at reception and in front of staff offices if someone is invited to a staff member’s office
- Sanitize desks following each shift
Staff Safety
- Staff will be made aware of the new procedures in the building and share this with the volunteers, program/activity leaders, and wellness practitioners.
- Working alone procedure must be strictly followed.
- If staff become sick with a cold they need to stay home from work. Anyone who is sick cannot work onsite and may work from home as approved by management and the board. If a staff member is working from home they are responsible for ensuring a safe workspace which includes but not limited to: electrical safety, environmental safety (free of tobacco, asbestos, mold, etc.), proper ergonomics, slip/trip/fall hazards are removed, violence is eliminated, and working alone procedures are followed.
- If staff are working from home because they are ill or in the event of a closure, they are expected to perform as many regular duties as possible from their personal work stations. Staff may be made to provide access to their office computer through their personal computer.
- Staff need to sanitize their hands when they arrive at the centre, before and after all breaks, after handling commonly used items such as the photocopier
- If workers have the flu or COVID-19 need to use their sick time allotment
- If a staff member becomes unwell at work, they need to report their illness to the Executive Director and/or the Program Coordinator. The unwell staff member will make their way home in their personal vehicle or walk to their home wearing a mask (staff drive their personal vehicles to work or live close to the centre)
- At least one staff member and at least one member of the Emergency Preparedness Committee will be responsible for following the media reports from all levels of government regarding COVID-19. They will share information with the Executive Director weekly so appropriate discussions and decisions can be made.
- Staff will not be required to give first aid if they do not feel comfortable as this activity requires staff to work closer than 2m/6’ from another person. Staff may talk someone through administering first aid to themselves i.e. cut that needs to be wrapped or bandaged or staff must wear a face shield, mask, and gloves when working with an individual such as CPR or a broken bone.
- Daytime and evening rentals are required to comply with centre protocols
- If rental groups use space during regular business hours, maximum centre numbers will be enforced.
October 16, 2020
The centre is going to be used as a polling station and due to the generosity of Aragon Properties lending us unit 2 we are able to keep most activities running while the auditorium is being used as a place to vote. We are asking that you bring exact payment in either cash or cheque if your activities are in unit 2. If you would prefer to use a credit or debit card you will need to stop in our regular space before going to unit 2.
September 1, 2020
We have about 90% of our activities running, although with much lower numbers to comply with current regulations. Below is a summary of the full COVID Procedures. For details about activities please view our Program Guide and call to confirm your attendance.
General Building:
- If you are sick do not come to the building – temperature checks every time someone enters
- 50% room capacity as long as social distancing can be maintained
- Must maintain a minimum of 6’ from others in all directions.
- Every time someone enters the building their temperature will be checked at the screening station. Questions may also be asked to ensure the health of all who come to the centre.
- Masks are required in common areas
- Pay for items and drop-in activities using credit or debit card preferred although cash is still being accepted.
- Register for your drop-in activity the week before to avoid disappointment when coming for a drop-in activity. Reception will only accept registration for the current week and the next week.
- Centre users may arrive no more than 5mins prior to their class or their wellness appointment to ensure social distances and low numbers of people in common areas.
- Use hand sanitizer when enterting the building. Wash your hands regularly and if this is not possible use the hand sanitizer by the main building doors and outside the auditorium.
- All building users will enter through the main building doors and leave through the door to the parking lot.
- Sanitize reception desk at the end of each shift
- Sanitize high touch items such as debit/credit machine several times during each shift
- Reception to call each instructor to let them know how many people have registered for the next day’s activities
- Staff will sanitize the high touch surfaces such as door knobs, window latches, monitoring station rope, and light switches when they begin their shift and afternoon shift staff will ensure sanitizing is done before they leave. Workroom will not be accessible to anyone other than staff
- Safe distance spots marked at reception in in front of staff offices if someone is invited to a staff member’s office
- Sanitize desks following each shift
- Staff need to sanitize their hands when they arrive at the centre, before and after all breaks, after handling commonly used items such as the photocopier
- If a staff member becomes unwell at work, they need to report their illness to the Executive Director the Program Coordinator. The unwell staff member will make their way home in their personal vehicle or walk to their home wearing a mask (most staff drive their personal vehicles to work)
- Instructors must start and end on time to ensure enough time for cleaning between groups and ensure social distancing is maintained.
- Any leader using the auditorium must work from the stage to allow for the greatest number of participants Leaders will sanitize chairs and equipment when their activity ends.
- As many people as possible to bring their own equipment
- Rendezvous Café patrons will need to mark their own kitchen cards – no pens provided. Prepaid kitchen cards will be left in a designated spot and sanitized before returning to reception.
- Food orders taken from hallway window and served under auditorium window
- Dishes double washed to ensure that germs are killed
- 2 bathrooms in both the men’s and women’s washrooms will be taken out of use to ensure that only 2 people are in this space at a time
- Daytime and evening rentals are required to comply with centre protocols
- If rental groups use space during regular business hours, maximum centre numbers will be enforced