Rainbow Social

We are thrilled to introduce programing for members of the LGBTQIA2S+ community over the age of 50!

Rainbow Roast
Monthly social get-together for LGBTQIA2S+ folks over the age of 50.
FREE - includes drink and goodie of your choice.
Every 2nd Monday of each month at 10:00 AM COST: FREE

Rainbow Social Advisory Committee
For the purposes of this project 'Rainbow' represents the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Non-Binary, Intersex, Asexual, Two-Spirit and other existing and emerging sexual and gender minority communities, orientations and identities. We have reserved space for inclusion of folks who identify as:

50+ years of age (currently filled)
Asexual/Aromantic (Vacant)
Bi-Sexual/Gay/Lesbian (currently filled)
Black/Asian/Latin/POC (Vacant)
Disabled/Neuro-Divergent (Vacant)
Trans/Non-BInary/Intersex (currently filled)
Two-Spirit/Indigiqueer (Vacant)

We also want to communicate our desire to explore and support the wants and needs of our Two-Spirit and Indigiqueer communities without imposing our settler colonial bias. We have reserved space for inclusion of Two-Spirit/Indigiqueer voices in our Rainbow Social Advisory Committee and look forward to guidance and suggestions on how to best serve our Indigenous communities.

If you are interested in filling one of the 'vacant' spots available on the Rainbow Social Advisory Committee - please contact  [email protected]

Look for us at these upcoming community events - we will have tables with information on our services with volunteers to answer your questions in person - please come by and introduce yourselves!


We would like to acknowledge the traditional, unceded Land of the Songhees and Esquimalt Nations, the Lkwungen speaking people. We at Cook Street Village Activity Centre extend our appreciation for the opportunity to live and learn on their Land.